

March 8, 2024

Learning happens outside of your own comfort zone. Where the ice is thin. Where life is risky. I am holding the space for you to expand your comfort zone.

This is what I do for work and play

Analogue Photography


Learning & Development

The key to achieving greatness is not your toolbox. It is you. Whether you are a leader or a follower or both, your greatest gift and potential lies within you.

I am designing spaces to unlock this potential. I deliver learning and growth programs with a focus on doing and experiencing.

Here’s an example of a program I designed: integral growth program.



Improvisation is about saying ‘yes’ to what is. And letting go of what you thought should be. You can only experience improvisation. Thinking everything through beforehand doesn’t work. Jump in. Connect to yourself and others. This is your compass to navigate a constantly changing environment.

I use the principles of improvisation to facilitate workshops. To design learning programs. And to tell stories to my kids. 

Here’s an example of an immersive program I created: impro space camp


There is a physical world we all know. At that same time, there is a dimension of the subtle matter. We all have the ability to sense these dimensions, to tap into a realm of a higher truth.

I use my ability to access the subtle world to gain deeper insights for my work. And my life. And I make this knowledge available in one-to-one sessions to people interested.


A story is one of the oldest forms of communication. A good story connects people. It builds trust. And it is memorable.

I teach how to tell good stories. And how to communicate with personal stories in a professional setting.

Here’s a storytelling passion project: story spark

Facilitation & Training

Facilitation is about creating the right atmosphere for a specific context. In training and workshops this context is about learning. Leadership development, presence and impact, storytelling and improvisation. These are topics on which I have an opinion.

I love to create a space for learning. Give me group of people, a room and a topic. Or no topic. And we will co-create with whatever is in the room.

Open Space

Open Space is a effective facilitation practice and conference structure for small or large groups of people. It enables the participants to create their own agenda around a central topic.

I run Open Space sessions for groups ranging from 20 to 250 participants. Whether it’s just an afternoon event or a multi-day program, it is a flexible format that can be tailored to particular needs.


Matthias Anderegg
Sunnenrain 1
8335 Hittnau

+41 76 414 36 16

If you feel like there’s something we might work and play on together, I’d be happy to hear from you.



Created in Holdenweid, 08 March 2024